
Meeting proceedings will be published in the special issue of “Phase transitions” journal. The Guest Editors of this issue are Ihor Stasyuk, Zbignew Czapla and Krystian Roleder. Authors should submit their manuscripts before the beginning of the Meeting (4th September, 2006) either by sending the electronic version via e-mail and corresponding hard copies via regular mail to the following address

Yaroslav Shchur
Institute for condensed matter physics
1 Sventsitskii str.
79011, Lviv

or by submitting both electronic version and hard copies upon arriving to the Meeting at the registration desk.

Instructions for Authors

Please, submit 2 hard copies (not 3 as stated on the web-site) of your manuscript and an electronic version on CD at the registration desk on Monday, September 4. Later on, any manuscript will not be registered. The length of the doubly spaced manuscripts, written according to the instructions should not exceed 10 pages, including references and space estimated for Tables and Figures.

The refereeing will be organized during the Meeting and the Referees will be asked to write their reports before the end of the Meeting. If not possible the referees’ reports should be sent by electronic mail not later then September 15 to one of the Guest Editors so that the revised papers will be available by the end of September.

For those who won’t be able to submit the manuscript in time there will be a possibility to publish their manuscript in the reserved issue of Condensed Matter Physics journal.

In case there will be more papers then can be published in one issue of Phase Transitions journal (approximately 25 papers, no more than 10 pages each) the Organizing Committee will offer an opportunity to publish extra papers in the reserved issue of Condensed Matter Physics journal.