Condensed Matter Physics, 2005, vol. 8, No. 3(43), p. 537-546, English

Title: Electron structure of topologically disordered metals
  P.Yakibchuk (Ivan Franko Lviv National University)

Here two methods for calculating the density of states of electrons in conduction band of disordered metals are investigated. The first one is based on the usage of one-parameter trial electron wave function. The equation for density of states gotten within this method is more general as compared to the results of perturbation theory. Electron-ion interaction is applied in the form of electron-ion structure factor, which makes it possible to use this method for a series of systems where potential form factor is not a small value and the perturbation theory fails. It also gives us well-known results of Relel-Schrodinger and Brilliuen-Vigner perturbation theory in case of small potential. Basically, the second approach is a common perturbation theory for pseudo-potential and Green's function method. It considers the contributions up to the third order. The results of computation for density of states in some non-transition metals are presented. The deviation of density of states causing the appearance of pseudo-gap is clearly recognized.

Key words: density of states, mass operator, form factor, structure factor, pseudo-gap
PACS: 43.38.Kw

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