Condensed Matter Physics, 2007, vol. 10, No. 1 (49), p. 95-99, English

Title: Dynamics of the domain structure in non-uniform ferroelectric crystals
  K.Matyjasek (Institute of Physics, Szczecin University of Technology, Al. Piastow 48,70--310 Szczecin, Poland) ,
  R.Rogowski (Institute of Physics, Szczecin University of Technology, Al. Piastow 48,70--310 Szczecin, Poland)

This work presents a study of the domain reversal characteristics related to the internal bias field in non-uniform telluric acid ammonium phosphate (TAAP) crystal. We have shown that there is a direct connection between the defective structure of the crystal and stretched exponential polarization relaxation in ferroelectric crystals. The domain switching was studied by means of the nematic liquid crystal decoration technique.

Key words: ferroelectric domains, polarization reversal, internal bias field
PACS: 77.80.Dj, 77.80.Fm, 77.84

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