Condensed Matter Physics, 2013, Vol. 16, No 3, 31704:1–6
DOI:10.5488/CMP.16.31704           arXiv:1309.6092

Title: Comparison of polarization switching in ferroelectric TGS and relaxor SBN crystals
  K. Matyjasek (Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Al. Piast\'{o}w 48, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland) ,
  M. Orłowski (Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Al. Piast\'{o}w 48, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland)

The comparative experimental analysis of polarization reversal kinetics in conventional homogeneous triglycine sulfate (NH2 CH2 COOH)3 ˙ H2SO4; TGS) and relaxor strontium barium niobate (Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6; SBN) crystals have been performed in a broad range of measurement conditions. The experimental data have been collected from microscopic observation of the domain structure, switching current and D-E hysteresis loop registration. The hysteresis loop and dielectric spectra has a strong link to the configuration of ferroelectric microdomains. The domain structure dynamics was examined by the nematic liquid crystal (NLC) method.

Key words: polarization switching, ferroelectric domain, hysteresis loop, TGS, relaxor, SBN
PACS: 77.80.Dj, 77.80.Fm, 77.84.Dy

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