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Seminar "Statistical physics of complex systems"

Seminar "Statistical physics of complex systems"

Place: ICMP сonference hall
Time: every Thursday, 15:30 EET



07.03 - A thesis defense “Scaling properties of phase transitions above the upper critical dimension and in the description of DNA denaturation” (starting at 15.00) - Yulian Honchar

14.03 - Adsorption/desorption of colloidal particles on a PNIPAM brush - Dmytro Yaremchuk

21.03 - SWAP algorithm for lattice spin models (review) - Mariana Krasnytska

28.03 - Critical and tricritical singularities of the Blume-Capel model in two dimensions - Yurij Holovatch

04.04 - Maxym Dudka

11.04 - Ostap Kalyuzhnyi

18.04 - The critical temperature and the critical region size for a fluid model - Ihor Pylyuk

25.04 - Oksana Dobush





Archive of former seminars please find here