Titles and Abstracts of Reports

NameCountryTitle of PresentationAbstracts
Oleksandr BakaiUkraineThree-state mesoscopic model of a heterophase fluid in application to the dielectric-semiconductor transformations in expanded mercuryPDF
Vasyl BalihaUkraineQuantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on frustrated bilayer latticesPDF
Svitlana BalikaUkraineElectrical conductivity of suspensions of particles with thin electric double layersPDF
Ostap BaranUkraineOne-dimensional XY model of magnetoelectric in the presence of an energy currentPDF
Anatoly BelonoshkoSwedenViscosity of the Inner CorePDF
Arijit BhattacharyayIndiaBrownian motion with coordinate dependent diffusivity and dampingPDF
Viktoria BlavatskaUkraineOn the shape of invading population in oriented environmentsPDF
Sara BonellaSwitzerlandApproximate statistical properties of quantum nuclei via Generalised Langevin DynamicsPDF
Mykyta BulakhovUkraineRole of nonlocal interaction in theory of a weakly non-ideal Bose gas with condensatePDF
Dung di CaprioFranceSimple lattice model approaches in electrochemistryPDF
Vladyslav CheranovskiiUkraineQuantum phase transitions and intermediate magnetization plateau of 1D Heisenberg spin systemsPDF
Alina CiachPolandDensity Functional Theory for Systems with Competing InteractionsPDF
Giovanni CiccottiItalyDynamical Non-Equilibrium Molecular DynamicsPDF
Ruslan DavidchackUKSurface free energy of a hard-sphere fluid at curved walls: deviations from Morphometric ThermodynamicsPDF
Direct calculation of surface free energy of mannitol by Molecular Dynamics simulationsPDF
Taras DemchukUkraineShear stress correlations and collective excitations in liquid In via ab initio computer simulationsPDF
Oleg DerzhkoUkraineLattice-gas model of two-component fluidPDF
Oksana DobushUkrainePhase behavior of the model of a cell fluid model with a modified Morse potentialPDF
Danylo DobushovskyiUkraineInfluence of the correlated hopping on the X-ray photoemission spectraPDF
Tadeusz DomanskiPolandFrom Bogoliubov to Majorana quasiparticles in topological superconductorsPDF
Teunis DorlasIrelandOn Dobrushin's uniquess theoremPDF
Maksym DruchokUkraineMaterial design assisted by machine learningPDF
Yuriy DublenychUkraineGround states of a system of classical spins on an anisotropic triangular lattice and the spin-liquid problem in NiGa2S4 and FeGa2S4 compoundsPDF
Dmytro DudarievUkraineAn influence of an effective cation charge on the microscopic structure and solvation dynamics in non-aqueous mediaPDF
Maxym DudkaUkraineSelf-averaging in the two-dimensional random-bond Ising modelPDF
Alain DutechFranceDeep Reinforcement Learning: sometimes it works, more often it doesn’t !PDF
Dmytro FilUkraineTheory of plasma excitations in graphene counterflow superconductorsPDF
First-principles study of charge states of point defects in Ti:sapphire co-doped with nonisovalent atomsPDF
Yaroslav FilatovUkraineSelf-diffusion in the BmimPF6/TfO - AN mixtures as seen by quasielastic neutron scatteringPDF
Sergej FlachSouth KoreaDynamical glassPDF
James FreericksUSAA primer on quantum computing for condensed matter physicistsPDF
Olena GaiduchokUkraineModels of economical processes based on econophysics lawsPDF
Viktor GerasimenkoUkraineProcesses of creation and propagation of correlations in quantum many-particle systemsPDF
Anton GlushchenkoUkraineClassification of the Equilibrium State of Magnetic Media with spin s=3/2 and SU(4) Symmetry of Exchange InteractionPDF
Khrystyna GnatenkoUkraineTime-dependent correlation functions of q-deformed Bose gas and Fisher zerosPDF
Vyacheslav GorevUkraineOn the temperature evolution of a dissipative randomly driven systemPDF
Wojciech GozdzPolandSystems with competing interactions under confinement.PDF
Masud HaqueIrelandEigenstate thermalization for local and nonlocal operatorsPDF
Khristine HaydukivskaUkraineUniversal features of complex n-block copolymersPDF
Petro HlushakUkraineUnification of thermo field kinetic and hydrodynamics approaches in the theory of dense quantum field systemsPDF
Yulian HoncharUkraineResummation of ε-expansion for co-polymer star exponents reveals the order of the phase transition in thermal denaturation of DNAPDF
Andreas HoneckerFranceThermodynamics of the 2D S = 1/2 Shastry–Sutherland model and SrCu2 (BO3 )2PDF
Ostap HrynivUKStatistics of phase boundaries: renormalisation and sharp asymptoticsPDF
Taras HutakUkraineLow-temperature peculiarities of thermodynamic quantities for decorated spin chainsPDF
Thermodynamics of the S = 1 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on kagome latticePDF
Marta HvozdUkraineFluid-fluid phase behaviour in the explicit hard spherocylinder solvent ionic model confined in a disordered porous mediumPDF
Taras HvozdUkraineTwo- and three-phase equilibria of polydisperse colloidal mixtures in bulk and random porous mediaPDF
Vasyl' IgnatyukUkraineNonequilibrium correlations in open quantum dynamicsPDF
Jaroslav IlnytskyiUkraineAggregation and self-assembly of decorated nanoparticles by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulationsPDF
Nedko IvanovBulgariaFrustrated Heisenberg spin models defined on a kagome-lattice stripPDF
Noel JakseFranceDynamic heterogeneities in undercooled metallic alloys: An ab initio molecular dynamics studyPDF
Gerhard KahlAustriaThe physics of dendrimer-like DNAs: simulation and experimentPDF
Oleg KaluginUkraineMixtures of room temperature ionic liquids with molecular solvents: challenge for the molecular modelling techniquesPDF
Ostap KalyuzhnyiUkraineUniversal shape properties of mesoscopic polymer chains, polymer stars and their aggregatesPDF
Katarina KarlovaSlovakiaStepwise magnetization curves and bipartite entanglement of an exactly solvable spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg branched chainPDF
Andrew KatsUkraineGlobal isomorphism between Buckingham and Yukawa fluids and Lattice gasPDF
Ralph KennaUKFrom the Ising model to sociophysics and back again — via the humanities: My adventures in a distant academic worldPDF
Alexei KhomenkoUkraineModeling of noise effect on self-similar mode of ice surface softening during frictionPDF
Oleksandr KliushnychenkoUkraineCollective scattering of gas stream by impurity clusters: wake-mediated interaction, post-soliton structures and disorder-enhanced shock wavesPDF
Maciej Koch-JanuszSwitzerlandInformation theory, machine learning and the renormalization groupPDF
Oleksiy KolezhukUkraineFidelity at Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitionsPDF
Svyatoslav KondratPolandFluid-mediated interactions between colloids in bulk and under confinementPDF
Oleksandr KonstantynovUkraineElectric response induced by third sound in superfluid heliumPDF
Yaryna KordubaUkrainePublic transportation networks as complex systems: between data processing and statistical physicsPDF
Mariya KorvatskaUkraineDiffusion of hard sphere fluids in a disordered porous media from generalized Enskog theoryPDF
Mykola KorynevskiiUkraineFluctuation nanoclusters in liquid-like magneticsPDF
Jurij KozickiPolandQuantum stabilization and phase traqnsitions in quantum anharmonic crystalsPDF
Volodymy KrasnovUkraineBose-Fermi-Hubbard model in the truncated Hilbert space limitPDF
Mariana KrasnytskaUkraineSelf-averaging on annealed networksPDF
Ivan KravtsivUkraineSoft-core fluid with competing interactions in contact with a hard wallPDF
Alexander KrivchikovUkraineThermal conductivity universality of disorder solids and complex crystalsPDF
Olesia KrupnitskaUkraineHigh-field low-temperature properties of frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on one-dimensional latticesPDF
Krzysztof KułakowskiPolandTowards the Heider balance - asymmetric social relationsPDF
Volodymyr KulinskyiUkraineGlobal isomorphism between molecular fluids and ising-like models: Yukawa fluid casePDF
Mykola LazarevUkraineDensity spectrum analysis of supercritical fluidPDF
Bohdan LisnyiUkraineSpin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg distorted diamond chain with antiferromagnetic Ising and ferromagnetic Heisenberg interactionsPDF
Marek LitniewskiPolandEffect of aggregation on adsorption phenomenaPDF
Miha LukšičSloveniaInterpolation scheme for accurate predictions of PMFs and dielectric constants of electrolyte solutions. The use in implicit solvent simulationsPDF
Ivan MarchenkoUkraineTemperature-abnormal diffusion in tilted periodical potentialsPDF
Bogdan MarkovychUkraineA metal film on a dielectric substrate within the jellium modelPDF
Oleg MatveevUSA/UkraineCombining pump/probe PES and electronic Raman scattering to test for the thermalization of hot electronsPDF
El Hocine MegchicheAlgeriaDetermination of free energies of point defects by molecular dynamic simulation: Case of nickel.PDF
Roman MelnykUkraineVan der Waals equation of state for hard-sphere system: A new twist to thePDF
Patrick MullerGermanyThermodynamics of frustrated Heisenberg magnets on the kagome and pyrochlore lattices: Green’s function approach and high-temperature expansionPDF
Vadim OhanyanArmeniaNon-conserved magnetization, negative g-factors and “fire-and-ice” spin configurationsPDF
Igor OmelyanUkraineOn solving the moment master equations of population dynamics for spatially inhomogeneous systemsPDF
Galyna PanochkoUkraineBose polaron in ideal gas at finite temperaturePDF
Volodymyr PastukhovUkraineFinite-momentum impurity in one-dimensional Bose gasPDF
Jaroslaw PaturejGermanyUniversal equation of state for polymer solutionsPDF
Alexander PeletminskiiUkraineEquilibrium properties of a two-component Fermi gas coexisting with Bose-Einstein condensate of its heteronuclear bound statesPDF
Victor PergamenshchikUkraineStatistical model of a flexible inextensible polymer chain: the effect of kinetic energyPDF
Carlo PierleoniItalyLiquid-liquid transition in high pressure hydrogen by Quantum Monte Carlo methodsPDF
Orest PizioMexicoOn the phase behavior of water-like fluids with square-well attractions and site-site association in slit-like pores. Density functional approachPDF
Leonid PonomarenkoUKTwo-dimensional superlattices: from atomic planes to practical devicesPDF
Dmytro PortnyahinUkraineComputational modelling of the memory effect in turbulent flowsPDF
Martin PospisilCzech RepublicNovel phase transitions in chemically heterogeneous slitsPDF
Morphological and bridging transitions at nanopatterned wallsPDF
Ihor PylyukUkraineCritical behavior of a supercritical cell fluidPDF
Oleksii RebenkoUkraineCorrelation of clusters: Partially truncated correlation functions and their decayPDF
Johannes RichterGermanyThe challenge of highly frustrated quantum magnets at finite temperaturesPDF
Ioannis RousochatzakisUKQuantum spin liquid at finite temperaturesPDF
Giancarlo RuoccoItalyProbing the non-Debye low-frequency excitations in glasses through fast quenching and random pinningPDF
Iryna RyzhaUkraineFine-structure oscillations in catalytic carbon monoxide oxidation on PlatinumPDF
Miguel A.F. Sanjuán SpainBasin Entropy and testing for Wada basins to analyze the unpredictability of some physical systemsPDF
Marina SaphiannikovaGermanyModeling of field-controllable polymers for mechanical applicationsPDF
Petro SarkanychUKIsing model with invisible states on scale-free networksPDF
Jürgen SchnackGermanyHigh spin cycles: Topping the spin record for a single molecule verging on quantum criticalityPDF
Ari SeitsonenFranceComputer simulations of liquids and solvation using density functional theory-based molecular dynamics: Liquid waterPDF
Dmytro ShapovalUkraineTwo-species reactive lattice gases on random catalytic chains: Annealed versus quenched disorderPDF
Yaroslav ShchurUkrainePorous silicon partly filled with water molecules: crystal structure, energy bands and optical properties from first principlesPDF
Volodymyr ShmotolokhaUkraineGeneralization of the Van der Waals equation for anisotropic fluids in a disordered porous mediumPDF
Majtaž SimončičSloveniaHydrogen bonding between simple hydridesPDF
Volodimir SimulikUkraineArbitrary spin and statistics in the new relativistic wave equation, example spin s=3/2PDF
Gleb SkorobagatkoUkraineSummation theorem and its application to exact non-eqiulibrium full counting statistics of tunnel current in quantum-point contactsPDF
Alexander SokolovskyUkraineA review of Bogolyubov method of the reduced description of nonequilibrium statesPDF
Stefan SokolowskiPoland Density functional theory for nanoparticles at liquid-liquid interfacesPDF
Andrii SotnikovUkraineFerromagnetism of LaCoO3PDF
Daria StepaniukUkraineMicroscopic environment of the D205 dye in BmimBF4 in ground and excited statesPDF
Roman StetsivUkraineLow-frequency dynamics of one-dimensional systems with hydrogen bondsPDF
Jozef StreckaSlovakiaBound magnon crystals of spin-1/2 Heisenberg diamond and octahedral chains as a statistical-mechanical monomer-dimer problemPDF
Myroslav SushkoUkraineRecent developments in the theory of electrodynamic homogenization of random particulate systemsPDF
Jozef SznajdPolandMagnetic phase transition induced by an electric fieldPDF
Volodymyr TkachukUkraineZeros of partition function and observablesPDF
Relation of entanglement of continuous variable graph states with graph propertiesPDF
Mychailo TokarchukUkraineGeneralized transport equation with nonlocality of space–time. Zubarev's NSO methodPDF
Viktor TokarevUkraineOn Applicability of Rotational Band ApproximationPDF
Andrij TrokhymchukUkraineLeopolis Scientifica: Scientific heritage versus modern trends in statistical physicsPDF
Novel formulas for thermodynamics and correlation functions in computer simulation of hard spheresPDF
Andriy VdovychUkraineEffect of hydrostatic pressure and longitudinal electric field on dielectric properties of CDP ferroelectricPDF
Oleh VelychkoUkraineDipole ordering and strain effects in the deformable Blume--Emery--Griffiths modelPDF
Taras VerkholyakUkraineEffect of the bond distortion in the Ising-Heisenberg model on the Shastry-Sutherland latticePDF
Alexander VidybidaUkraineStochastic mechanism for improving selectivity of olfactory projection neuronsPDF
Vyacheslav VikhrenkoBelarusInfluence of interparticle correlations on electrophysical properties of solid electrolytesPDF
Monte Carlo simulation of a 3D solid electrolyte on a simple cubic lattice: concentration and electric field distribution at and without an external fieldPDF
Thermodynamic and structural properties of systems with SALR interaction on two- and three-dimensional latticesPDF
Anastasiia VorobelUkraineCombined effect of 1.5- and double scatterings on the Rayleigh line width near the vapor-liquid critical pointPDF
Igor VovchynskyiUkraineMolecular dynamics simulation of 1-1'-spirobipyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate acetonitrile solutionsPDF
Jean-François WaxFranceAb-initio molecular dynamics study of the pressure dependence of the collective excitations in liquid Ga-Sb alloyPDF
Hong XUFranceStress fluctuations, shear modulus and phase transitionsPDF
Vasyl YanishevskyUkraineApplication of statistical physics methods to stochastic financial modelsPDF
Olena YezerskaUkraineLow temperature thermodynamics of one-dimensional exactly solvable spin models with impuritiesPDF

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