List of Accepted Poster Presentations

Equation of state for non-equilibrium solution methanol-hexane under gravity over the
separation critical point
A.D. Alekhin and Yu.L. Ostapchuk

Behaviour peculiarities of relaxation times of density for inhomogeneous substance under gravity
A.D. Alekhin, E.G. Rudnikov, and T.V. Bezrodna

Microstructural effects in thin liquid layers
V.Ya. Antonchenko, V.V. Ilyin, and N.V. Gloskovskaya

The bicontinuous phases in restricted geometry
V. Babin and A. Ciach

Molecular dynamics study of a model protein-g
A. Baumketner, H. Shimizu, and Y. Hiwatari

The configuration integral of ion system in the external electrostatic field
Yu. Blazhyevskiy

Optic like excitations in Lennard-Jones binary mixtures and molten salts
T. Bryk and V. Ignatyuk

Self-organizing fullerene C60 molecules in aqueous solution
L.A. Bulavin, I.I. Adamenko, K.O. Moroz, Yu.I. Prylutskyy, and S.S. Durov

Switch of lamellae orientation in slits
A. Ciach and M. Tasinkevych

Thermodynamics of pseudospin-electron model in self-consistent generalized
random-phase approximation
O.D. Danyliv

Density functional approach and photonucleation phenomenon
O. Derzhko

Pressure-temperature phase diagram of a generalized Hubbard model with correlated hopping at half-filling
L. Didukh and V. Hankevych

Ferromagnetic ordering in a generalized Hubbard model
L. Didukh, O. Kramar, and Yu. Skorenkyy

Metal-insulator transition in a doubly orbitally degenerate model with non-equivalent  subbands
L. Didukh, Yu. Skorenkyy, and Yu. Dovhopyaty

Critical behavior at m-fold degenerate Lifshitz points: field-theory and e-expansion
H.W. Diehl and M. Shpot

Phase transitions and phase separation in the pseudospin-electron model in
transverse field with direct interaction between pseudospins
Yu. Dublenych

Dynamic properties of a Heisenberg model ferrofluid in an external  magnetic field
S. Dubyk and Yu. Rudavskii

On the critical behaviour of models with random anisotropic axis
M. Dudka, R. Folk, and Yu. Holovatch

Models of aggregation in molecular mixtures: structure, properties, and simulation
V.A. Durov

Stationary states in model 1D system with dissipative interactions
O.I. Gerasimov, A.Y. Spivak, and V.A. Idomskyy

Compaction of granular graphite in vertically vibrated container within the restricted geometry
O.I. Gerasimov, V.A. Idomskyy, and A.Y. Spivak

The simple quantum-statistical model for the description of metal ion
polymerization in water solutions by double bridges of hydrogen bonds
T.V. Golubets'

Ab initio derivation of interatomic interactions in transition metals I solid, amorphous and liquid phases
Z. Gurskii and J. Krawczyk

Connection of Landau-Ginsburg models with continuous microscopic approach for self-assembling systems
M.F. Holovko and S. Kondrat

The structure and dynamical properties of fluid in porous media from molecular dynamics
and replica integral equation approach
M.F. Holovko, T. Patsagan, and A. Trokhymchuk

On the thermodynamics of electrolyte solutions adsorbed in dielectric and charged porous media
M.F. Holovko and Z. Polishchuk

Screening effects and ionic adsorbtion in the system: ion-dypole mixture - porous media
M.F. Holovko and E.M. Sovyak

Consistent description of a kinetics and hydrodynamics of quantum Bose systems. Time
correlation functions and collective excitation spectrum
P.A. Hlushak and M.V. Tokarchuk

Calculations of the transfer coefficients for the moderately dense gaseous mixture H2,
N2, NH3 on the basis of the Enskog-Fokker-Planck kinetic equation
Y.A. Humenyuk

Short-wavelength asymptocics of time correlation functions
V. Ignatyuk

Molecular models in computer simulation of liquid crystals
Ja. Ilnytskyi

Topology and percolation of hydrogen bonds in supercritical water
A.G. Kalinichev and S.V. Churakov

Structure of a 3-component polyelectrolyte solution model with dimerizing counterions and coions
Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi and M.Yu. Druchok

Ion-dipole mixture with associative interactions against the charge hard wall
V. Kapko

Delocalized p-excited states of atoms in the helium crystals
A.I. Karasevskii and V.V. Lubashenko

Kinematics and dynamics of energy concentration under vibrational relaxation in liquids
N.E. Kornienko and S.I. Mikhnytsky

Coexistence curve of methanol-hexane solution in the neighborhood of the separation critical temperature
M.P. Krupskyy, A.D. Alekhin, Yu.L. Ostapchuk, and E.G. Rudnikov

Light scattering by filled liquid crystals in anomalous-diffraction approach
M.F. Lednei, I.P. Pinkevich, and T.R. Sluckin

Thermodynamics and dielectric properties of the KH2PO4 family ferroelectrics
R.R. Levitskii, A.P. Moina, and B.M. Lisnii

Reference approach in theory of pseudospin system
R.R. Levitskii, S.I. Sorokov, and O.R. Baran

The quantitative generalization of polymer swelling data in organic solvents using the linear
free energy relationships
R. Makitra, H. Midyana, and Ya. Vasyutin

New colour statistics for condensed nuclear matter
V.T. Maslyuk

Statistics of linear polymer chains in the model of random self-crossing walks
Yu.G. Medvedevskikh

Conformation and deformation thermodynamics of linear polymer chains in the solution
Yu.G. Medvedevskikh

The Enskog theory for simple liquids with continuous potentials
K. Miyazaki, G. Srinivas, and B. Bagchi

Thermodynamics and susceptibility of the pseudospin-electron model in the region of weak
electron-phonon interaction
T.S. Mysakovych

The modified collective mode approach: Dielectric relaxation in water
I. Omelyan and M. Tokarchuk

A microscopic approach to the study of phase transitions in binary fluid mixtures
O. Patsahan

Enhanced density fluctuations in fluids with competing interactions
D. Pini, Ge Jialin, A. Parola, and L. Reatto

Solution of the orientationally dependent association MSA for multicomponent dipolar mixture

Three-dimensional Ising system in an external field. Recurrence relations
for the r6 model
I. Pylyuk and M. Kozlovskii

Operating voltage in the inplane-switching of nematic liquid crystals
V. Reshetnyak and O. Shevchuk

Statistical theory of diffusion-reaction processes in the system
Yu.K. Rudavskii, P.P. Kostrobii, B.M. Markovych, and M.V. Tokarchuk

Diagonal and non-diagonal types of disorder in condensed matter theory
Yu.K. Rudavskii, G.V. Ponedilok, and Yu.I. Petriv

High-altitude asymmetry of a critical isotherm for inhomogeneous binary solutions under gravity
E.G. Rudnikov and A.D. Alekhin

The Acoustic Spectroscopy of Aqueous Solutions of Propanol
A.O. Semenov and V.S. Sperkach

Methodology of Fractional Fourier Transform in Optics
M.V. Shovgenyuk and Yu.M. Kozlovskii

Biaxial nematic liquid crystals. Integral equation approach.
T.G. Sokolovska

The coefficient of viscosity of liquid crystal close to the point of phase transition
V.S. Sperkach, A.D. Alekhin, and O.I. Bilous

Correlated proton-electron transfer in quasi-one-dimensional complexes with hydrogen bond
I.V. Stasyuk and R.Ya. Stetsiv

Pseudospin-electron model in the self-consistent gaussian fluctuation
I.V. Stasyuk and K.V. Tabunshchyk

Self-action of a Gaussian beam in a nematic liquid crystal cell
S. Subota and V. Reshetnyak

Enskog-Landau kinetic equation. The second-order approximation in the
Chapman-Enskog method and the Burnett coefficients
M.V. Tokarchuk and Y.A. Humenyuk

On the weakly relativistic approximation in a quantum N-body problem
V. Tretyak and Yu. Yaremko

Interaction between two macrosurfaces immersed in a fluid
A. Trokhymchuk and D. Henderson

Two-dimensional model of water. Hydration of nonpolar solute
T. Urbic, V. Vlachy, Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi, N.T. Southall, and K.A. Dill

Critical behaviour of semi-infinite random Ising-like systems at the ordinary transition.
Z. Usatenko and M. Shpot

Adsorbate-induced melting of  "soft" surfaces
E.V. Vakarin, M.F. Holovko, and J.P. Badiali

The critical phenomena in binary finite-size liquids
A.N. Vasil'ev and A.V. Chalyi

The electron-ion model with manyparticle interactions in the microscopic theory of metals
M. Vavrukh, S. Koval, and V. Solovyan

Investigation of effective twoparticle potential of ion's interaction at nonzero temperature
M. Vavrukh, V. Paslavs'kii, and N. Tyshko

A simple model for DMAGaS and DMAAlS ferroelectrics
O. Velychko

On the application of the optimized cluster expansions to the calculation of structural properties of the molten superionic materials
V. Vysochans'kyi and I. Pan'kiv

Photoinduced 3D orientational structures and biaxiality effects in liquid crystalline azopolymers
O. Yaroshchuk, A.D. Kiselev, Yu. Zakrevkyy, J. Stumpe, J. Kelly, and T. Sergan

Critical phenomena and reactions in self-assembling structures formed by
functional surface-active oligomeric feroxides (FSAP) in solutions and at interfaces
O. Zaichenko, N. Mitina, O. Shevchuk, S. Voronov, N. Bukartyk, O. Hevus,
M. Kovbuz, I. Artym, and W. Brostow

Diffusion of gas particles along a hard surface. Preexponential factor evaluation
R. Zhelem

Last modified: July 29, 2000.