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The Ising lectures 2022 took place in Lviv

The Ising lectures 2022 took place in Lviv

By icmp_admin - Posted on 23 May 2022

Ising lectures 2022 – the 24th Workshop on complex systems, phase transitions and critical phenomena – have been organized by the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv on May 17 – May 19, 2022. The lectures were organized by a group of young scientists from ICMP – Oksana Dobush, Khrystyna Haydukivska, Mar’jana Krasnytska, Dmytro Shapoval and academician of NAS of Ukraine Yuriy Holovatch. This year the Workshop occurred online.

The Workshop is organized annually since 1997 and aims in promoting and deepening studies of criticality in complex systems. The level of presentation and its interdisciplinarity allows for participation of physics students and academics working in different areas. This year the lectures given at the workshop covered a broad spectrum of subjects and included: Size and shape properties of complex macromolecules: analytical and numerical approaches (Viktoria Blavatska, ICMP NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine); The role of complexity science and mathematical modelling in fighting the pandemic (Benjamin Maier, Humboldt University of Berlin and Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany); Applications of artificial neural networks in statistical mechanics and non-linear dynamics (Lucas Böttcher, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt, Germany); Kalb-Ramond classical field theory in curved spacetimes (Bertrand Berche, Lorraine University, Nancy, France); Ossian's social networks help us understand the industrial world (Joseph Yose , Coventry University and Minitab, Coventry, UK); Open problems treated but not published in Ising thesis ( Reinhard Folk, University Linz, Austria).
Lecturers of the Workshop as well as its attendees from many countries expressed their solidarity with Ukrainian people and Ukrainian scientists in their struggle against the Russian aggressor.
More information about the Workshop and video of the lectures are available here:
and here:
The lectures given at the Workshop gave origin to the review volume series: