Condensed Matter Physics, 1999, vol. 2, No. 4(20), p. 603-616, English

Author(s): E.D.Soldatova (Dnipropetrovsk State University, Department of Physics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)

The thermodynamical method of studying the critical state is developed based on the constructive definition of the critical state by means of linear uniform equation systems and the study of the critical state stability criteria. It permits us to reveal the diversity of critical state nature manifestations and the uncertainties in the existing description of critical state thermodynamics related to this diversity. The existence of four basic alternative types of critical behaviour of one-component systems is established and described, as well as their classification is presented. The behaviour of the whole complex of thermodynamical parameters is investigated for each type of critical state. The method under consideration describes analytical and nonanalytical behaviour of thermodynamical quantities. The results of the investigations are illustrated by the known models and by experimental data.

Comments: Figs. 0, Refs. 18, Tabs. 1.

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